The 7 Best 3-Person Drinking Games

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  • Post last modified:February 18, 2023
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Are you the awkward third wheel…again? Don’t despair. Three-person drinking games are the perfect cure-all for cringe-worthy conversations with your best friend and her flavor of the month.

Sure, these games aren’t as riotous as a match of beer pong played in a fraternity’s sticky basement. But they can still get you tipsy in a flash.

So, without further ado, here are our seven favorite drinking games for a quiet party of three. (Quick disclaimer: Always drink responsibly! We don’t condone binge drinking.)

1. Mr. Freeze (a.k.a. Freeze or Drink)

Looking for a chill evening with a few of your buds? If so, play Mr. Freeze.

The premise is pretty simple: Before you start crushing Whiskey Highballs, choose someone in your trio to be Mr. (or Mrs.) Freeze. At any point during the party, the designated Mr. Freeze will stop moving. As soon as you notice, you must drop everything and freeze too.

The last person to look up from Instagram and notice WTF is going on, must drink and become the new Mr. Freeze. Repeat until properly sloshed.

Materials needed: Other than good observation skills, nothing. 

2. Bloody Hell

Bloody Hell is your second-grade math teacher’s idea of a good time.

To start the game, you will roll a single die. Then, your two friends have up to three tries to match that number. They can score a match by either A) rolling the exact same number or B) adding up their rolls to equal that number.

What happens if your drinking dudes don’t succeed? Well, they drink. (Obvs.)

Materials needed: A single die.

3. King’s Cup

King’s Cup goes by many names like Ring of Fire, Circle of Death, Waterfall, or simply Kings. No matter what you call it, this classic drinking game is a boozy good time.

Begin by placing a generous goblet in the center of a table. Then, spread a deck of cards facedown around the cup. From there, you and your two pals will take turns picking a card.

Each card corresponds to a different action:

  • Ace (Waterfall): Each player starts drinking at the same time as the person to their left. No player can stop drinking until the person to their left stops drinking.
  • Two (You): Whoever draws a two can ask anyone else to take a sip.
  • Three (Me): If you draw a three, you must drink.
  • Four (Floor): The last person to hit the deck must chug.
  • Five (Guys): All the men at the table take a drink.
  • Six (Chicks): All the women at the table take a drink.
  • Seven (Heaven): Raise your arm above your head and reach for the heavens. The last person to do the same must drink.
  • Eight (Mate): Choose a pal. For the rest of the game, they drink when you drink.
  • Nine (Rhyme): You say a word (e.g., bat). Then, the person to your right has to say something that rhymes (e.g., cat, fat, hat). Whoever can’t think of a word must drink.
  • 10 (Categories): Come up with a category (e.g., fruit). The person to your right must then name something in that category (e.g., apple, banana, orange). Whoever flubs up first must drink.
  • Jack (Never Have I Ever): This card necessitates an impromptu game of Never Have I Ever.
  • Queen (Questions): Take turns asking one another rapid-fire questions. The first to stumble must drink.
  • King (King’s Cup): Pour some of your drink into the center goblet. The person who draws the last king must drink the cup’s contents.

The game is finished when all the cards are gone or when the King’s Cup has been guzzled. Your choice.

Materials needed: A deck of cards and a large cup. 

4. Sevens

Can you count and curse? OK, then you can play Sevens.

Gather your trifecta of friends and then start counting. You say “one.” Larry says “two.” Paul says “three.” And so on. But here comes the tricky part. Every time you get to a multiple of 7 (e.g., 7, 14, 21) or a number containing 7 (e.g., 17, 27, 37), that person has to say “f*** you” instead of the actual number.

If you hesitate, mumble the wrong number, or don’t tell everyone to go f*** themselves, you gotta drink, darlin’.

Materials needed: A dirty mouth. 

5. Drunk Jenga

Drunk Jenga is similar to its straightedge counterpart, just with some extra pizzazz.

Before starting the game, use masking tape and a Sharpie to write different rules on each Jenga block. You can always stick to PG commands like “hop on one foot” and “sing Toto’s Africa.” But if you’re a bit naughty, require that your dinner guests drink tequila shots, prank call the neighbors, or eat a whole clove of garlic. Your choice.

The main rule of Drunk Jenga is that whoever knocks over the tower has to finish their drink. Rebuild and repeat until the fifth of whiskey is gone.

Materials needed: Jenga blocks, masking tape, Sharpies, and a vivid imagination.  

6. Flip, Sip, or Strip

Alright, this game isn’t for the bashful. But it’s certainly a good way to show off your summer bod.

To get the party started, have someone flip a coin. The person to the left of them will then guess if it was heads or tails. If they guess wrong, they either take a drink or take off an item of clothing.

By the end of the evening, your pals will either be naked, sauced, or both.

Materials needed: A coin and a hearty dose of immodesty.  

7. Dirty Pint

Remember in elementary school when you would dare your friends to eat gross concoctions like applesauce, mustard, and mashed potatoes? Well, Dirty Pint is like that but with alcohol.

Before the game begins, each member of your trio will pour a smidge of their drink into a pint glass. If you’re all sipping the same beverage, this is no biggie. But if one person is drinking vodka neat, another is nursing a Monte Carlo, and the third guy is nipping rum and coke, the resulting pint glass is going to be gross.

Alas, the goal of the game is to avoid drinking the nasty elixir. How do you do that? By guessing correctly when you flip the coin. If you flip the quarter and call the correct coin face (e.g., heads or tails), it’s the next lad’s turn. But if you choose incorrectly, you must drink the brazen brew. *Gag.*

Materials needed: A coin, a pint glass, and a strong stomach.

Sure, drinking games are more common at blowout bangers than small, subdued dinner parties. But thanks to these three-person drinking games, you can still have lots of fun even if you don’t have lots of guests.